Annual Agreements

Annual Agreements

Atlanta’s Best Gutter Cleaners wants your gutter cleaning to be the last of your concerns when it comes to your home. We provide a convenient, simple annual agreement so that our customers never have to think about their gutters again.

The annual agreement schedules our service crews for cleaning your gutters automatically on a regular basis. Once our crews perform an initial gutter cleaning at your home, they will access the needs of your gutters in correlation to the number of trees surrounding your property and the subsequent debris which falls. They will provide a schedule (1-4 cleanings a year) that, upon signing the agreement, will be provided at a discounted price.

Our office will contact you up to 3 weeks before your scheduled gutter cleaning service to remind you of your automatic service agreement, giving the customer plenty of time to cancel or postpone if necessary. A follow up call the day before service will provide a window in which the crews will clean the gutters. Customers are not required to be home for service. Service agreements are available in all cities we service in the metro Atlanta area.

Please note our minimum trip charge is $90. Your price cannot be less than this, even with discounts applied. For example, if your regular price is $105 and you sign up for 4 times a year at $30 off, we would not be able to reduce th eservice to $75 as that is below the minimum trip charge. you will only get $15 off since we cannot go past that limit.

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    You must agree to the terms and conditions of the agreement in order to sign up.

    Terms and Conditions

    Atlanta’s Best Gutter Cleaners (abgc) agrees to provide you, the Customer, our Whole House Gutter Cleaning service which includes blowing of debris from the roof of the house, gutters cleaned free of debris, downspouts checked for clogs and functionality, seasonal downspout clogs cleared, and fallen debris blown off of shrubbery, patios, decks, walkways, and driveway. Included, at no cost to the Customer, is a complete inspection of the gutters and roof for any potential problems. Though repair issues may be discovered and repairs recommended, no additional repair work that would increase the price of service will be performed unless specifically authorized by the customer or one of his or her agents. This service will be automatically provided on a regular schedule of your choosing at the price that correlates to that specific schedule at the address listed above. The customer will pay in full at the time of service if the customer is home, or within five days of the date of the invoice. The approximate next service date will be listed below next to the different schedules. The customer will receive at least one phone call and/or email as a reminder before we send out a service vehicle. The Customer has the right to examine the services upon completion and has fifteen days in which to notify ABGC of any concerns or problems based on the quality of our service.

    ABGC Warrants that the services listed above will be performed in a satisfactory manner in accordance with our normal practices. If the Customer is unsatisfied they may contact ABGC management and a follow-up service call will be scheduled at no cost to the customer unless additional services, not listed above, are performed. The customer may cancel this service at anytime; however, if a service vehicle is dispatched based upon this agreement, and service is cancelled at the house, the customer agrees to pay an ninty dollar ($90.00) trip charge even though no service was completed. It is the Customer’s responsibility to contact us if moving or to request a change of address and/or a cancellation of service; otherwise service will continue on this schedule at the above address until ABGC is otherwise notified, and the Customer agrees to pay all charges associated with such service.